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Digital Content Consulting

  • Optimising and aligning business resources for Japanese companies and government to collaborate with Malaysian companies

  • To help Japanese clients to achieve their desirable outcome as quick as possible using technologies and IT solutions in Malaysia

  • To design and develop the contents according to the needs of Japanese companies to enter Malaysian market and to collaborate with Malaysian Companies

  • To help Japanese clients in creating and customise their digital contents in e-marketing, e-trading, e-commerce, online customer solutions and management of information technology industry 

 IT service Consulting

  • Digitalisation strategy

  • Workflow automation strategy (in the niche industries providing subject matter expertise)

Creations & Development of Digital System

  • Co-create, co-development of the new digital system that caters to the events sector etc., to address the current pain points with the third party and/or partner company

  • Creating blue print as leader in events (entertainment, arts and trades) between Malaysia and Japan utilising technologies as pandemic requires new measures

Digital Content Creations


Providing Consulting

  • Optimising and aligning business resources for Japanese companies and government to collaborate with Malaysian companies.

  • To help Japanese clients to achieve their desirable outcome as quick as possible using technologies and IT solutions in Malaysia.

  • To design and develop the contents according to the needs of Japanese companies to enter Malaysian market and to collaborate with Malaysian Companies.

  • To help Japanese clients in creating and customise their digital contents in e-marketing, e-trading, e-commerce, online customer solutions and management of information technology industry.

IT Service Consulting

  • Digitalisation strategy

  • Workflow automation strategy (in the niche industries providing subject matter expertise)


Distribution of the Digital System of our Partner Company

  • Which helps the digitalisation and workflow automation journey resulting in cost reduction and efficiency
    especially during this pandemic with restricted environment and also to be equipped with.

  • Distribution and marketing for the digital system of our partner company products to Japanese and Malaysian companies
    in both Japan and Malaysia.


Creations & Development of Digital System

  • Co-create, co-development of the new digital system that caters to the events sector etc., to address the current pain points with the third party and/or partner company

  • Creating blue print as leader in events (entertainment, arts and trades) between Malaysia and Japan utilising technologies as pandemic requires new measures

Digital & IT System


Funding from Japanese clients and government to work with Malaysian and Malaysian Companies

  • Consulting the needs of Japanese clients and government in order to develop their market In Malaysia, receiving funds and
    sponsorships from Japan and Japanese companies to provide them the researched reports and execute the projects in

Consultation for Malaysian Artists / Medias to enter Japan or engage with Japanese clients

  • Coordinating Malaysian Artists and Medias with the opportunity in engagements, collaborations, tours, performances, etc. with Japan, Japanese companies promotion and Japanese events

Seminar, presentation, speeches

  • Presentation and speeches for Japanese companies/brands/entertainment to meet Malaysia

Consultation for Japanese companies to market, PR, event engagements in Malaysia

  • Provide Japanese companies and clients on the information of Japanese market in Malaysia, Outlet pick & set up, design, media & celebrity engagements, event license, etc.

  • Engaging media, celebrity, licensing, working team from Malaysia for the Japanese clients

Consultation for Japanese companies to start business in Malaysia

  • Information on Japanese market in Malaysia, office location, set up company, staff salary advise, etc.

  • Recommending and finding the Malaysian employees for the Japanese companies in Malaysia

  • Advising the marketing and the steps to objecting their goals

Matching Japanese companies with Malaysian companies for their business needs

  • Introduce and coordinate the business between Japan & Malaysia by matching their nature of business and their needs

  • Appoint Malaysian and Malaysian companies to execute their projects or companies in Malaysia

Consultation for Malaysian / Foreign companies to have authentic Japanese Theme

  • Advising the information on Japanese culture, Japanese talents & workshop engagements

  • Engaging the interpreter, translator and Japanese staffs to meet their concept and projects

  • Coordinating the project with the authenticity in Japanese culture and theme

Japanese Event Management


We plan, organize and execution at one stop! (Performance visa & licenses, bilingual emcee, interpreter, sound & light, performances, workshop, etc.)


  • Event Planing・Organizing ・ Execution​

  • Production・Sound & Light

  • Talent Supply

  • Foreign Artist Performance Visa・Professional Visa

  • On Ground Management for Event Featured Artist & VIP

  • Bodygurard ・Security Guard ・Crew

  • Event Schedule ・Execution Sheet

  • イベントの企画・主催・運営

  • 機材・照明等プロダクション

  • タレントの手配

  • 外国人パフォーマーのビザ・プロフェッショナルビザ

  • イベント出演タレント・ VIPの現地マネージメント(現地移動車、宿泊、食事の手配等)

  • ボディーガード・セキュリティーガード・クルー

  • イベントスケジュール・運営表の作成

  • スポンサーの獲得・交渉

Tokyo Street 4th Anniversary - Chibi Maruko Chan Land

PR & Marketing


With our rich database, we offer artist and product promotion, demonstration sales, test marketing, influencer engagement, media engagement, ad & design, etc.


  • Market research and reports

  • Advertisement ・PR Plan (TV・Radio・Newspaper・Magazine・SNS・Influencer)

  • Press Release (Japanese・English・Chinese・Malay・Korean

  • Media Engagement・Press Conference・Media Interview

  • Influencer Engagement (Long Term・Short Term・One Time・SNS Post)

  • Design (Branding・PR design・Package design in Japanese・English・Chinese・Malay・Korean)

  • Artist Promotion (Tour coordination・Event engagement・Media engagement, etc.)

  • 広告宣伝・ PR企画(TV・ラジオ・新聞・雑誌・ SNS・インフルエンサー等)

  • プレスリリース(日本語・英語・中国語・マレー語・韓国語対応)

  • メディアのエンゲージメント・記者会見・メディアインタビュー

  • インフルエンサーのエンゲージメント(長期・短期・単発起用・ SNS投稿)

  • デザイン(ブランディング・ PRデザイン・パッケージ等を日本語・英語・    中国語・マレー語・韓国語対応)

  • タレントのプロモーション(ツアーコーディネート・イベント出演・ メディア露出等)

Japan Weekend - Press Conference 

JAPAN x MALAYSIA Friendship Concert -

Press Conference

MV / TV Program


We plan, arrange, clear necessary permits for your music video or TV program. From locations, information, equipments, director, etc.

PV やTV番組等の撮影に必要な企画、アレンジ、ライセンス、機材、監督等をワンストップでアレンジ

  • Airing Coordination (Air Time, etc.)

  • Coordination for the collaborating production between Japan &
    (Possible in Hong Kong too)

  • Shooting Arrangement (Production team・Shooting location arrangement & license permit, etc.)

  • Talent Supply (Artist, model, child-talent, emcee, hair & make-up stylist, stylist, Japanese & English cover band, cosplayer, Japanese cultural talent, dancer, supernumerary, etc. Talent mainly from Japan & Malaysia but also Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand and Korea)

  • Foreign Artist Acting Visa・Professional Visa

  • Program Content Trade

  • Sponsorship Acquire & Negotiation

  • 番組の制作・企画(コンテンツ企画・撮影場所の提案・スクリプト制作等)

  • 放送コーディネート(放送枠等)

  • 日本・マレーシア間の共同制作のコーディネート(香港も可能)

  • 撮影手配(撮影クルー・撮影場所の交渉・ブッキング・撮影許可獲得等)

  • タレントの手配(アーティスト、モデル、子役、司会、 ヘアメイク・スタイリスト・日本語・英語カバーバンド、コスプレーヤー、日本文化タレント、ダンサー、エキストラ等。日本・マレーシアのタレントを主に、香港、インドネシア、タイ、韓国のタレント )

  • 外国人撮影ビザ・プロフェッショナルビザ

  • コンテンツの売買

  • スポンサーの獲得・交渉

Travelogue [Ishikawa Memang Lawa] - Special Program shot in Ishikawa 


Apart from managing our own artists, we represent some of the Malaysian artists to Japan market,  and promote & tour Japanese/Malaysian artists to Malaysia/Japan, etc.


  • Artist ProduceManagementPR

  • Artist Collaborations (Performance, engagement, song, arts, etc.)

  • Album ProducingPublishing

  • Artist related planning (TourEventMerchandiseLINE sticker, etc.)

  • On Ground Management for Event featured Artist & VIP
    (Arrangements & execution for on ground transportation, accommodation and F&B)

  • タレントプロデュース・マネージメント・ PR

  • 音楽アルバムのプロデュース・出版

  • タレント関連企画(ツアー・イベント・グッズ・ LINEスタンプ等)

  • イベント出演タレントの現地マネージメント(現地移動車、宿泊、食事の手配等)

Artist Management


  • TranslationInterpretation (Japanese・English・Chinese・Malay・Korean)

  • Outlet OpeningPromotion Coordination (Negotiation with Shopping MallOutlet set-up, etc.)

  •  JapanMalaysiaHong Kong Tour Arrangement (Local transportationTour guideRecommandations of the tour spot, Business Matching Meeting, etc.)

  • Business Matching Workshop (coordination of the meetings for Japanese and Malaysian companies)

  • 翻訳・通訳(日本語・英語・中国語・マレー語、韓国語)

  • マレーシア・香港での店舗オープニング・プロモーションコーディネート(ショッピングモールの交渉・店舗セット

  • 日本・マレーシア・香港のツアーアレンジ(現地移動・ツアー案内・お勧めスポット企画等)


© Toybox Projects Sdn Bhd (1071553-X)

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